Sunday, April 25, 2010

Puppy Visit #2

I can't believe how much the puppies have grown since I saw them last week!  They now weigh about 7-8 lbs and are starting to look more like normal puppies, rather than the little wrinkly faces they had before.  They got to be out in a little pen on the patio today and when I got there they were all conked out sleeping.  They slowly woke up and I got to pet them and play with them all.

Little orange boy (now he is green boy) has really matured a lot over the last week and Christine says that he has gotten a lot more playful.  Before this week he seemed to just want to sleep a lot, but now he has caught up with his siblings and is exploring and playing like a normal puppy.  (Top puppy in the photo below)
Purple boy was very sweet and very playful.  He and blonde boy were the first two that were awake and they played a lot at the beginning.  He was very curious and came over to see me and chew on me. : )   At one point Christine gave the puppies a couple of beef rib bones to chew some meat off of in hopes of waking up the other puppies.  At first purple boy didn't know what to do with it since they hadn't ever had any food other than milk, but once he figured out that it was yummy he took his bone off to chew it by himself. 

Blonde boy was the most active today.  He played with me, played with his brothers, played with the toys, and munched happily on the beef rib.  His nickname from me is "fattie" because he is the heaviest of the bunch and he lived up to his name when the beef ribs were given to them.  He went right for it, even though they haven't had any food other than mom's milk before.  The other puppies nibbled curiously on it at first, but he went full force tearing off little pieces of meat.  He was very fun to play with, and it was funny watching him attack his siblings.

Blue boy was very sleepy for the first half of my visit, but once he woke up he played quite a bit.  He is by far the goofiest of the bunch.  He would crack me up with some of the things he would do.  One time he was just standing there and then he decided to run up to me and he ran right into my leg.  He played a lot with blonde boy, and he played a lot with me.  He kept trying to climb on me and burrow under my legs.  He also wanted to chew on every part of me; my shorts, my feet, my hands, my legs.  He and blonde boy went on the wobble board (see above photo of blonde boy).  This is a toy thing that is round on the bottom and flat on top so when they walk on it it moves.  It is good for getting them used to things moving such as the teeter in agility.  They weren't phased by it at all. 
This picture is of Blue and Blonde playing.

And lastly here are some cute pictures that I don't remember which puppy they are (it's hard to remember without the colored collars!)
That's it for now.  Can't wait to see them again, a week is too long to go between puppy visits!

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