Friday, October 22, 2010

Finally a Break

I just finished a few weeks of never ending tests and now have a little break for a few days before the studying starts up again.  Nothing too exciting has been going on with Levi and me lately, but we are going home to Templeton this weekend to visit Mom, Dad, and Melissa which will be a nice little vacation.  Hopefully the weather will be nice enough that we can go for a hike or something while we're there.  I know Levi will love all the extra attention!

His Halloween costume arrived today and I already tried it on him.  He looks so cute!  I'm sure he probably hates me for making him wear it. :-)  There is a dog costume contest at the vet school TG (bbq) tomorrow evening that I was going to enter him in but I didn't realize it was the Friday that I was going home so now it looks like he is just going to have his costume for fun/pictures.  I think I'm going to keep it a surprise for now, but there will likely be pictures posted next week sometime.  I know I won't be able to keep it a secret for very long. :-)

I ordered a Perla bed for Levi a little while and it was on backorder at the time but it was supposed to get in the next week.  Well, it's been over a month now and it is still on backorder. :-(  Levi is hoping that the bed will hurry up and be in stock soon so we don't have this old blanket sitting in the corner by itself anymore.  It really wants a bed to go in.

Here Levi is trying to decide which Everlasting Treat Ball to play with.  The medium sized one was good when he was a puppy, but he recently graduated to the large sized one.  He still likes to play with the empty medium one though for whatever reason.  He really loves these chew toys but he can occasionally pop the chew part out of the blue holder and then I have to try to squeeze it back in when it's all slimy which is pretty difficult. 

Sorry for the lame blog posts lately...hopefully we will have something more exciting to talk about soon.

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