Saturday, May 22, 2010

Welcome Home Levi

This morning Alicia came with me to pick up Levi.  He did great on the car ride home, he only whined a few times and the rest of the time he slept in Alicia's lap.  Once we got home I set up the little exercise pen for him with his toys and his blanket from Christine with all of the other puppies' scents on it.

I tried to figure out his lunch which is quite complicated because I am transitioning him from the raw food diet to a dry puppy food.  Christine gave me some of the mix that she used for the puppies food and then you just add meat to it.  It was pretty complicated because it is a dehydrated mix so you add water to it to make up the final weight.  It took me awhile to calculate how much of it I needed dry to equal the right amount once it was rehydrated, but I think I've got it now.  I tried putting some of his lunch into a Kong for him to eat while I made myself lunch but he didn't really understand it and he was pretty upset in the x-pen by himself so i just put it into a bowl for him to eat and he chowed down.

I left him in the x-pen while Alicia and I ate lunch and he wasn't very happy about it.  He whined and barked quite a bit which reminded me of how stressful and exhausting puppies are.  I hate seeing him upset but I know that I can't let him out every time he cries.  I played with him a little bit outside in our new grass after lunch and then I put him in his crate for nap time.  He was really noisy at first but after 5 minutes or so he calmed down and went to sleep.  He slept for almost two hours which was really nice!  I was able to do a little bit of homework and relax a little bit myself.  Once he woke up I took him outside and he went potty and then I took him back to my room and we played for awhile.  Now he is napping on his own, and then it will probably be dinnertime soon.

He really loves the blue hippo toy that Alicia got him, as well as his puppy nylabone.  The hippo seems to be his favorite so far.  I had some of his toys in his crate for him, and right when he first came into my room he saw the toys and wanted to play with them.  I opened the crate door and he went right in and started playing.  He seems to like going into his crate on his own when it's open, so maybe he will get better about enjoying it in there when he is confined.

That's been it so far for the day.  I'm taking advantage of the napping to get some studying (and blogging) done. :-)  I might take a nap too just so I don't get too worn out.  Hopefully he does better about being confined tonight.

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